Tên lửa Trung Quốc lao thẳng xuống đất ngay sau khi cất cánh-789BET chính thức


To make the gallery work tms-0.4.x.js and uCarausel.js files are used

Việc Instagram tự động cắt story dài khiến nhiều tín đồ sống ảo cảm thấy khó chịu, vậy làm thế nào để đăng video lên story Instagram mà không bị cắt xén?-tại 789bet

<div id="pro_simple_gallery">			  	
	<div class="pro_gallery_bg">
		<div class="pro_simple_gallery">
			<ul class="pro_items">
					<img src="YourImage.jpg" alt="" />
					<div class="pro_banner">pro_banner content</div>
	<div class="pro_pag">
		<div class="pro_img-pags">
				<li><a href="#"><span><img src="YourThumbs.jpg" alt="" /></span></a></li>
		<a href="#" class="pro_btn pro_prev pro_button3" data-type="prevPage"><span></span></a>
		<a href="#" class="pro_btn pro_next pro_button4" data-type="nextPage"><span></span></a>

To add new images to the gallery you should have 2 images: 1 for the slider and 1 thumbnail. You need to add these images to different places. The images and thumbnails are connected by the order number. So the first thumbnail in the block <div class="pro_img-pags"> will display on click the first image in the list <ul class="pro_items">.

Slider image should be added to the list <ul class="pro_items"> using the code:

	<img src="YourImage.jpg" alt="" />
	<div class="pro_banner"> banner content</div>

Thumbnail image should be added to the block <div class="pro_img-pags"> using the code:

<li><a href="#"><span><img src="YourThumbs.jpg" alt="" /></span></a></li>

You'll get more info on working with Gallery in the template manual after purchase. Manual is located in the "documentation" folder of the template package.